Wednesday 18 July 2012

Insight into Introspection

Since this is my first post, I would like to draw a mental picture of what I wish to portray or throw light on. I wish to start by discussing about a very deep rooted issue suffused in society which needs to be extirpated. The issue pertains to the use of god’s greatest gift to mankind, Brain. Many of us have lost track of how splendid a creation is our brain and its monumental promising aspects.  It gives me great pain to say that people are not even near to utilising the brain’s complete capability. History chronicles achievements of great scientists like Einstein and many more. We are not even near to their brain utilization capability (even I am not). The lackadaisical nature which is ensconced in us is the main reason for this disconcerting inhibition. There are some who are good at using their Gray matter but “some” is not a word which is going in harmony with the changing patterns on a global scale.

Addressing the issue on a personal scale; we must to ask ourselves one single question, “Who is stopping me from employing my full potential “? The answer to that question is the key to our window that leads to a brighter picture. As far as the little experience I have had till now I would like out to point a very simple answer to the rather complex question.

 The only factor that inhibits us from achieving the acme of our potential is our own mindset.  Let me clarify with an example. Recently I met some of my school friends to whom I was happily telling all the achievements in college life and about my goals. 
A quick rejoinder from one of them disheartened me as a whole. He said, “Such kind of goals are meant only for you dear, we are not born with such talent, we cannot aim so high; you are supposed to achieve such things so that one day when you will be publicized for your achievement, I shall proudly tell my peers that you were my classmate ". Now what can you say about such an answer. This might be the case with most of us. Such kind of thinking leads to some very thought provoking questions. If you give up without even trying how will you ever know what you are capable of?  If you don’t have trust in yourself how can you expect others to trust you?  

Faith is the key to all problems. It is important to have faith in god, faith in others but faith is self should be sacrosanct. Such kind of inane puerile mindset automatically reaches out to a chain reaction of decrepitude resulting to vegetative existence of mankind. We are born to do something special. Even if cannot do, we can at least try and fail so that we may leave footprints of what not to try for our future generations. Most inventions have also followed the same suit. It is not that a scientist immediately brought out an invention. Some scientists spent their whole life doing mistakes from which the next generation easily invented the required thing. Such is the benevolent mindset which is long lost and faded. This blog in no way intends any derogation or contempt to anyone. Also, what I suggest here is not gospel or science. It is just an attempt to make us realise our worth and a means for achieving understanding of self. So please accept with the same mindset so that we can together benefit from it.

 Thus, the main aim of this blog is an attempt to make you think.  We need to learn to exercise our brain. We must learn to trust ourselves. For starters we need to know about ourselves before we reach something on a societal level and this is how we perform “Introspection”. Clearly,  INTROSPECTION REDEFINED is a small enterprise for the same.